That's actually a pretty good fantasy novel title . . .
This weekend I will be an "attending professional" (kind of like a guest, only not as cool) at Dragon-Con in Atlanta. You can find me (if you can find anything in the massive crowd of Star Wars stormtroopers, anime catgirls, superheroes, and Klingons) at the following events:
Friday, September 4, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Autographing — In the Marriott International Hall (south). I'll sign anything that isn't legally binding.
Saturday, September 5, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Reading — In the Vinings room in the Hyatt. I'll be reading selections from my latest novel, Corsair, and maybe some of my current work in progress.
Sunday, September 6, noon-2 p.m.: SFWA Table — I'll be doing my part to represent and promote the oldest professional organization for science fiction and fantasy writers. Stop by, if you like.