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"Another thing which needs fixing is Bruce Wayne's decision to dress in a scary costume and fight crime al fresco. In the comics, that's his lifelong ambition from about the age of ten onward, which seems kind of nuts. He's the scion of Gotham's oldest and richest family. There are other ways he could try to solve the city's problems.

My suggestion is that he already has tried — and failed!"

They did something similar in the the 1980 version of his origin story, *The Untold Legend of the Batman* (published in a mass-market paperback that's out of print, but Amazon has a bunch of second hand ones priced from a penny). In that one, Bruce Wayne decides to become a police officer, but changes his mind in college after his law professor points out the difference between law and justice. Bruce decides that police officers are "too often hamstrung by the very laws they're sworn to uphold", and that he'd be more effective as a masked symbol of justice working outside the system. In this version of Batman the police and prosecutors in Gotham City are not especially corrupt or incompetent, so the writer probably thought there would be nothing to gain by having Bruce actually join the police and then become disillusioned, and he basically becomes Batman straight out of college.


That version makes Bruce kind of a jerk. If the Gotham cops and DAs aren't corrupt (or at least massively incompetent and underfunded) he's just a wannabe who's too impatient to do the job properly.

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