On Friday and Saturday, March 31-April 1 I'll be a guest at Albacon 2017, the long-running convention in New York's capital city. There's a really impressive lineup of people attending: Charles E. Gannon, Stephen Hickman, Lawrence M. Schoen, Ken Altabef, Ken Burnside, Debra Doyle, Jim MacDonald, Chuck Rothman, Ryk E. Spoor, Ian Randall Strock, and many more.
But enough about them. Let's talk about me. I'm going to be doing a bunch of literary-type panels, and running a Call of Cthulhu session. Here's my schedule:
Friday, March 31, 4:00 p.m.: Writing workshop Critiquing Panel. Five pro writers provide suggestions, criticism, and analysis of stories submitted by con participants.
6:00 p.m.: Lost SF Themes. Four SF writers talk about tropes and ideas which were once standard elements of science fiction but now are passé.
8:00 p.m.: Ice Cream Social. Come enjoy some sugary treats and watch respected SF authors spill chocolate sauce on their neckties.
9:00 p.m.: Art Show Reception. A more grown-up meet-and-mingle against a backdrop of works by fan and professional artists.
Saturday, April 1, 12:00 noon: We're Off to See L. Frank Baum. An appreciation of the Oz books and the growing canon of pastiches and adaptations in various media.
1:00 p.m.: Autographing. Bring anything and I'll sign it.
2:00 p.m.: The Drowned City. A Call of Cthulhu adventure for up to 6 players, set in the flooded streets and empty houses of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Characters will be provided.
6:00 p.m.: The Most Influential Games of All Time. Six writers and game designers discuss which games have had the biggest influence on the gaming hobby and pop culture in general.
If you can't make it to the convention, the next best thing to meeting me in person is to buy my ebook!