Almost every superhero has a home town. Whether it's Batman's Gotham City, Superman's Metropolis, or Marvel Comics's shared New York City, it's the place where the heroes live in their secret identities, where their non-super friends live, and the place which keeps getting attacked by villains.
Roll 1d20 if the heroes are patrolling or moving about the city, roll 1d10 if they are working in their Secret Identity jobs or hanging out at the Hall of Champions.
- Roll Twice and Combine
- Animals Gone Wild: There's been a breakout at the City Zoo, or the circus — or maybe all the pets in town have turned against their owners. Stop them, preferably without harming the creatures too much, and then figure out what happened.
- Attack! A supervillain's minions attack nearby while the heroes are in their civilian identities. Can they get changed in time to stop the marauders?
- Clue: One of the heroes stumbles across something connected to whatever Big Case the supers have been investigating.
- Crossover Issue! A hero from another city has come to visit. He's probably tracking down some old foe here in Super City, and may wind up needing help from the local champions.
- Invasion! An actual army is attacking the city. The hostiles may be coming from space, under the sea, through a dimensional portal, or piling out of buses. They're armed, they've got uniforms and face-concealing helmets, and they're trying to take over. Who's in command of this assault?
- Monster! It's big, destructive, and not very bright, and it's rampaging through downtown right now. Who sent it, and why?
- Strange Apparition: A ghost, or a mysterious winged humanoid, or an alien being just out of phase with reality is prowling the city. What does it want? What does it mean?
- Supervillain: He's a charismatic genius with formidable powers, but this time he claims he just wants to talk. What nefarious scheme is he plotting?
- Weird Weather! It's snowing in summer, or raining frogs, or maybe the smog has turned deadly. The heroes must deal with accidents, panicky citizens, and crooks taking advantage of the chaos, all while trying to end the phenomenon and find out who's responsible.
- Ambush! One or more supervillains were waiting for you to show up. They've picked the site for maximum advantage, and strike without warning.
- Creepy Abandoned Building: The perfect place for a hostage exchange, an ambush, or a madman's deathtrap.
- Deathtrap! The hero stumbles into a fiendishly clever trap. Can he escape in time?
- Distraction! You spot your love interest out walking with a rival, or your feeble aunt being rushed to the hospital. Your civilian life and your heroic career are in conflict!
- Hazard: An accident has just released a flood of whatever your hero is vulnerable to. Will you place your own safety first, or wade in to help contain the menace, no matter the risk?
- Lair: The hero has stumbled across the bad guy's hidden lair. It's full of mooks, gadgets, and maybe a couple of captives.
- Low Dive Favored By The Criminal Element: Full of mooks and low-level villains. Known heroes get a hostile reception, but someone in disguise could learn a thing or two of interest.
- Power Up! It's just what you need to regain your strength — a fresh set of fusion reactor fuel, or a place of mystic power, or a truck loaded with canned spinach. But can you reach it in time?
- Weirdness: Something really bizarre. All the other heroes have become villains, or the Communists won the Cold War, or a supervillain claims to have reformed and is running for Mayor. What's going on?
- Tracks/Aftermath (reroll)
Roll 1d6 to determine the situation, then roll on the table above to see who the parties involved are.
- A desires B
- A wants to capture B
- A wants B dead
- A wants to go somewhere
- A wants to solve a mystery
- A wants X
If you like adventures with crooks and monsters, buy my ebooks Outlaws and Aliens and Monster Island Tales!