You managed to slip out of the lab before they could do whatever it was they were planning — and then erase all your memories of the event. Now you're wandering around the alien spaceship in your pajamas, trying to find a way back to Earth. The inside of the saucer is a maze of passages, hatchways, compartments, and lift shafts. Who knows what you'll find?
Roll 1d20 if you're moving around the saucer, 1d10 if you're staying put in a single compartment.
- Roll Twice and Combine
- Plot Advancing Encounter: Either a method of escape or a clue about the mysterious plans of your alien captors.
- Dimensional Parasites: They look like multicolored geometric shapes and are drawn to sources of energy. Each is quite flimsy, but 1d6 of them appear each round.
- Grey Crew: 1-2 standard skinny, big-headed, grayish-green ETs. There is a 50% chance they are searching for you and are armed with a paralysis wand.
- Meteor Swarm! The saucer is bombarded by sand and pebbles which strike like cannonballs. Alarms start hooting and lights start flashing, and all the crew rush to emergency stations. There is a 10% chance the compartment you're in gets a hole punched in it.
- Pleiadian Slave: Descended from humans taken off Earth before the Ice Age, this platinum-haired captive detests the Reptoids and will help you.
- Predatory Xenomorph: It has nasty claws and teeth, and is very hungry. You look appetizing.
- Reptoid Officer: A graceful and super-intelligent reptilian being, equipped with a multi-purpose electronic bracelet (acts as a door key, paralysis/pain beam, communicator, and translator). There is a 50% chance it is searching for you, in which case it is accompanied by a Robot.
- Robot: A floating silver sphere equipped with force-beams, paralysis projectors, and a grating voice shouting one-word commands.
- Time Loop: You're back at a previous encounter, as if everything since that moment never happened. But you remember . . .
- Ambush: A Reptoid officer and two Grey crew have concealed their presence using an illusion-projector, and won't reveal themselves until they can get the drop on you.
- Brain Room: Lined with cylinders holding the brains of individuals from dozens of worlds. Each has a communication link so you can speak to the occupants. All of them dislike the Reptoids, but that's no guarantee they're friendly to you.
- Captives: A cell holding 1d4 other humans — but they're guarded by a Robot.
- Equipment Locker: A compartment holding all kinds of useful devices (assuming you can figure out how to work them) — uniforms, spacesuits, weapons, tools, communicators, medical kits, fire extinguishers, force shields, and towels.
- Guards: A pair of Greys armed with paralysis wands are guarding the exit from this compartment.
- Psychic Hazard: This compartment is flooded with overwhelming sensations of despair and defeat. Only the strongest minds can resist giving up or falling unconscious.
- Pursuit! 1d4 Greys armed with paralysis wands are after you!
- Regeneration Chamber: 1d12 Greys in transparent pods, basking in refreshing crystal energy. It takes 4 rounds for the occupants to open their pods.
- Trap! It looks like a human teenage girl, but it's actually a Reptoid in a cunning disguise!
- Tracks: Roll again to see what you find traces of.