You've just emerged from hyperspace, or shut off the Alcubierre drive, or switched on the plasma sail to slow down from relativistic speed. You're here, in a new star system, and it's time to look around. Long-range telescopes have already showed you all the major planets, but you still have to chart moons, asteroids, and comets. You'll also want to check out surface conditions on all the solid planets and moons. But yours might not be the only ship in the system . . .
Roll d10 while your spacecraft is in orbit around a planet or moon; roll d20 when it arrives at a new body. Then check the Reaction Table and roll for Situations below.
- Roll twice and Combine
- Alien Explorer: Another interstellar craft is surveying the system, and it's not from Earth. Roll 1d6. 1: Alien colony ship here to claim the system; 2-3: Known alien civilization; 4: Native civilization's first interplanetary probe; 5: Unknown aliens; 6: Von Neumann probe building copies of itself to launch at other stars.
- Automated Defense System: A robot spacecraft armed with missiles launches from a hidden site inside the nearest world and attacks! (Reaction is automatically Hostile.)
- Cryptic Transmission: A tight-beam transmission obviously meant for your ship in particular, coming from the nearest world. But it's in no language or code you recognize.
- Enigmatic Warship: A powerful-looking military spacecraft approaches. Roll 1d6 to determine its affiliation. 1: Derelict on eccentric orbit; 2: Friendly aliens (+1 Reaction); 3: Hostile aliens (-2 Reaction); 4: Hostile human faction (-1 Reaction); 5: Player-characters' faction (+2 Reaction); 6: Unknown origin.
- Mining Robots: 1d10 automated mining spacecraft, single-mindedly trying to refine every asteroid they encounter into neat spheres of metal, ice, or pure carbon. Your ship looks like a rich deposit. (Reaction is automatically Hostile.)
- Mission-Relevant Encounter: Something related to the reason you were sent to this star system. A habitable world, traces of those droids you're searching for, or the Lost MacGuffin.
- Scout Ship: Another exploration ship, possibly from a rival organization.
- Space Pirates: An armed spacecraft crewed by desperate renegades. If your ship looks weaker, the Reaction roll is at -2; if you look substantially more powerful, they claim to be peaceful asteroid prospectors.
- Stellar Flare! The local star is acting up. Communications will be impossible for 1d4 hours, and small craft should return to the hangar or seek shelter from radiation.
- Ambush! Pirates or hostiles have been lying in wait for you, using passive sensor relays to watch while concealing their ships. Now they strike! (Automatically Hostile.)
- Ancient Megastructure: A giant artificial structure, thousands or millions of years old. Its purpose may be obvious or completely mysterious. Use the Reaction Table to determine how dangerous it is: a Friendly result means it's safe, Unfriendly means it contains hazards, and Hostile means it actively repels intruders.
- Debris Field: This world or moon is surrounded by a belt of hazardous debris. There's a 10 percent chance per hour of an impact big enough to damage the ship.
- Emergency Cache: Some helpful person left a supply container in orbit, with oxygen, power plant fuel, medical equipment, and spare parts. Note that the cache builders may not have been human.
- Hacking Buoy: A small capsule transmitting a simple beacon. But if spacecraft get within a few hundred meters, the buoy begins a very sophisticated electronic attack aimed at taking control of the ship's systems.
- Lone Astronaut: A human in a space suit is adrift in orbit, calling for help. When rescued, he won't say how he got there and seems to know far too much about your ship and your mission.
- Scavengers: A small patched-up ship of asteroid prospectors and debris salvagers. They've been here a while and know about two of the system's other hazards or mysteries.
- Secret Base: Someone got here first and established a base, hidden by rock and ice from all but the closest scans. Roll 1d6 to see whose base it is. 1: Hostile aliens; 2: Military outpost; 3: Peaceful observers; 4: Pirates; 5: Rebels; 6: Secret laboratory.
- Secretive Expedition: A large scout or converted merchant ship supporting an expedition to this world or moon. They won't say what they're looking for. (Reaction penalty of -2, but won't attack.)
- Trader: A merchant ship, with minimal armament. Roll 1d6 to see why it's here. 1: Collecting valuable resource; 2: Damaged and in need of assistance; 3: Hired to deliver something; 4: Lost; 5: Running from pirates; 6: Smuggling.
Roll 2d6 and apply any modifiers from the encounter table.
2: Hostile— attacks immediately or begins covert hostile actions.
3-5: Unfriendly— demands surrender, makes threats, and will follow them up.
6-8: Neutral— takes no hostile action but offers no aid, either.
9-11: Friendly— willing to talk or trade, will offer aid in life-or-death situations.
12: Very Friendly— volunteers aid and supplies, freely exchange information, may suggest joining forces.
Roll 1d6 for each encounter to see what their goals are.
- A desires B
- A wants to capture B
- A wants B dead
- A wants to go somewhere
- A wants to solve a mystery
- A wants X