The place where roads cross has always been the scene of strange encounters, and midnight is the time when the strangest things walk the land. If you're passing through the crossroad between midnight and cockrow, be polite but brief with strangers. And if you're hanging around there on purpose, waiting to see who comes by . . . you'd better have your wits about you.
Roll 1d20 when you get to the crossroads.
- Roll twice and combine
- Brave Youth: a naive youngster who isn't afraid of anything, even things one should be afraid of. He (or she) is here in search of a particular contest — a test of wrestling, riddling, music, throwing, or quarterstaff fighting.
- Dead Man: he doesn't rest quietly in the grave, but walks at night. Roll 1d6 to see what he wants. 1: a guide to the afterlife, 2: a missing item, 3: a proper burial, 4: one last drink, 5: someone to perform a task, 6: your blood!
- The Devil: a well-dressed stranger with one misshapen foot. He's ready to make a deal. You get what you want (knowledge, love, matchless skill with your instrument), and he gets to take you when you die. Sign right here . . .
- Extra Road: from the time the clocks strike midnight to the first crow of the cock, five roads meet here instead of just four. To find out where the extra road leads, you'll have to follow it. If you don't get back by cockrow, you may be gone a long, long time.
- Fortune Teller: a wise old woman, or possibly a wise young one, she can read your future in the cards, or the lines of your hand, or perhaps just by looking at you. Give her silver and you'll hear your fate.
- Ghost: she haunts the crossroads where she died. Though terrifying, she will do you no physical harm, and her sad wails may hold useful clues.
- Lights in the Sky: roll 1d4 to see what's up above. 1: angels bidding you be not afraid, 2. black helicopter piloted by Men In Black, 3. flying ship crewed by fairies, 4. saucer piloted by Greys. Use the Reaction Table to see if they're hostile or friendly.
- Lost Traveler: this traveler is really lost — he's wandered into the wrong world, or the wrong time, or perhaps the wrong game system. Use the Reaction Table to determine how dangerous the Lost Traveler is.
- Magician: a wizard or a witch, possibly old and wizened, possibly young and attractive. Use the Reaction Table to see if the Magician is looking for help, looking to make a deal, or looking for someone to sacrifice in some hideous rite.
- Mysterious Stranger: He's either old and bearded with one eye, or young and preternaturally handsome, but either way he wears a wide-brimmed hat and a concealing cloak. Roll 1d6 to see what the Mysterious Stranger wants. 1: a task performed, 2: to give you some cryptic advice, 3: to give you a gift, 4: to lead you to the afterlife, 5: to punish you, 6: to warn you of some approaching peril.
- Peddler: a jolly old fellow with a cart full of strange things for sale. He doesn't take cash, but will trade for wonders, or service, or a year of your life, or maybe your soul.
- Riderless Horse: it's a noble-looking beast with a fine saddle and a silver bit. If you choose to mount up, roll 1d6. 1: accursed man in horse form will be your steed for a year and a day, 2: bewitched horse gallops to the cemetery where the dead are dancing to the Devil's fiddle, 3: enchanted steed takes you to where a fairy princess needs a champion, 4: ghost horse carries you to a tomb, 5: ordinary horse belongs to a traveler murdered on the road, 6: Puck in the form of a horse takes you on a wild ride that ends in a dungheap.
- Ruin Appears: the light of the moon strikes a building that isn't there during the day. What's inside?
- Someone In Need of Help: a young woman whose lover was taken by the fairies, or a man who sold his soul and knows the Devil is coming to collect, or a luckless fellow who spied on the witches at their Sabbat. Whoever it is needs some heroic help.
- Trooping Fairies: The Queen of the Fairies and her court are riding at night. Roll on the Reaction Table to see if they're hostile or friendly. Either way you're in peril of your life and your soul.
- Vampire: he's out hunting, accompanied by 1d6 wolves and a flock of bats. Roll 1d6 — on a 1-4 you're his prey, on a 5-6 he's already caught someone and is carrying him or her off.
- Weird Weather: a sudden tempest with oddly-colored lightning lasts 1d6 times 10 minutes. At the height of the storm roll again to see who turns up.
- Will-o'-the-Wisp: strange blue lights bobbing about. Roll 1d6 to see what they are. 1-2: corpse lights burning over the location of buried treasure, 3-4: mischievous spirits trying to lure you into a quagmire, 5-6: St. Elmo's Fire (followed by a thunderstorm).
- Tracks: roll again to see what just passed by before you arrived.
Roll 2d6 to see how your encounter responds. Modify as appropriate for the party's condition and personal qualities.
2-3: Immediate attack!
4-5: Unfriendly
6-8: Neutral
9-10: Friendly
11-12: Very Friendly