For no very good reason I found myself making up an internal chronology of H.P. Lovecraft's horror stories. My guiding principle was that if a story doesn't have any time clues — and it's interesting to note that most of Lovecraft's stories do include specific dates — it takes place in the year in which the story was written, not published. I have left out some stories, like "In the Vault," or "The Outsider" which appear to be "non-Mythos" tales and have no clear time setting. I've also left out his "Dunsanian" fantasies.
The chronology revealed some fascinating patterns. There are a few "big years" in the Lovecraft universe: 1913, 1920, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1928, and 1932. Gamemasters who want to run a "sandbox" style Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game campaign could do worse than simply pick one of those years and start tossing out clues to ongoing events.
It also reveals some potential hidden connections among the stories. In "The Shadow Out of Time," Professor Peaslee's alien possession ends in 1913 — the same year that Wilbur Whateley is born in "The Dunwich Horror." Did Peaslee's alien controller want to avoid potential contact with the Spawn of Yog-Sothoth?
In "Pickman's Model" it appears that Richard Upton Pickman vanishes some time in 1925 (and later turns up as a ghoul living in the Dreamlands). But of course 1925 is also rocked by the nearly apocalyptic events of "The Call of Cthulhu." Did Pickman get a warning in his dreams and decide to get out of Cthulhu's way? The events of "The Horror at Red Hook" that summer look like a power play by Robert Suydam to take over the scattered and demoralized remnants of the Cthulhu Cult after the sinking of R'lyeh.
The Federal response to the events of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" in late 1927 and early 1928 explains their curiously lackadaisickal reaction to the theft of the remains of some revered early American (it's got to be Franklin) in The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, which happens at the same time. All the government men with knowledge of the secret war against Elder Horrors are busy up in Innsmouth.
Later in 1928, "The Whisperer in Darkness" and the climax of "The Dunwich Horror" are happening almost simultaneously. Perhaps if Albert Wilmarth hadn't been off in Vermont getting chased by Mi-Go he could have gone with Dr. Armitage to deal with the invisible monster in Dunwich.
1771: April 12 — Raid on Curwen farm and (first) death of Joseph Curwen (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward)
1838: Obed Marsh establishes cult of Dagon in Innsmouth ("The Shadow Over Innsmouth")
1843: Enoch Bowen discovers the tomb of Nephren-Ka ("The Haunter of the Dark")
1844: Bowen establishes the Church of Starry Wisdom in Providence ("The Haunter of the Dark")
1846: "Plague" in Innsmouth ("The Shadow Over Innsmouth")
1877: Church of Starry Wisdom disbands ("The Haunter of the Dark")
1878: Capt. Charles Weatherbee discovers unknown island and recovers strange mummy ("Out of the Aeons")
1882: June — Meteorite lands on Gardner farm ("The Colour Out of Space")
1884: Gardner family die ("The Colour Out of Space")
1889: Walker and Audrey Davis settle in Oklahoma, incur the wrath of Yig ("The Curse of Yig")
1890: Three monstrous snake-children born to Audrey Davis ("The Curse of Yig")
1891: Young man named Heaton explores Binger Mound, goes mad from what he saw ("The Mound")
1894: "The Transition of Juan Romero"
1901: "Beyond the Wall of Sleep"
1904: Herbert West's first experiments ("Herbert West — Reanimator")
1907: November 1 — Inspector John LeGrasse leads police raid of swamp cult south of New Orleans ("The Call of Cthulhu")
1908: May 14 — Nathaniel W. Peaslee possessed by Yithian ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1909: "Peaslee" spends a month in the Himalayas ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1910: Harry Houdini escapes captivity under the Pyramids ("Imprisoned With the Pharaohs")
1911: "Peaslee" spends time in the Empty Quarter of Arabia ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1912: "Peaslee" charters a ship to explore the Arctic north of Spitzbergen ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1912: "Peaslee" explores a cave in West Virginia for several weeks ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1913: February 2 — Wilbur Whateley born ("The Dunwich Horror")
1913: August — Death of Arthur Jermyn ("Arthur Jermyn")
1913: August — meteorite lands off Maine coast containing Greek manuscript ("The Green Meadow")
1913: September 27 — Peaslee's possession ends ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1915: Two "eastern visitors" from a small college vanish at the Binger Mound
1915: Herbert West continues experiments in field hospital in Belgium
1916: "Dagon"
1917: "The Temple"
1919: "The Statement of Randolph Carter"
1919: "The Terrible Old Man"
1919: "The Shunned House"
1920: Herbert West carried off by his experimental subjects
1920: "The Music of Erich Zann"
1920: "The Nameless City"
1920: "The Picture in the House"
1920: "From Beyond"
1921: August — destruction of a hamlet in the Catskills near Tempest Mountain ("The Lurking Fear")
1921: November — destruction of the Martense house ("The Lurking Fear")
1921: "The Hound"
1922: "The Festival"
1923: Charles Dexter Ward travels in Europe
1923: "Cool Air"
1923: July-August — "The Rats in the Walls"
1925: Ethnographer visits Guthrie, Oklahoma and hears the Yig legend ("The Curse of Yig")
1925: "Pickman's Model"
1925: March — unrest among cults worldwide, artists have strange dreams ("The Call of Cthulhu")
1925: March 22 — Island of R'lyeh rises ("The Call of Cthulhu")
1925: March 23 —Johansen encounters Cthulhu and disrupts it; R'lyeh sinks again
1925: "The Horror at Red Hook"
1926: May — Charles Dexter Ward returns to Providence
1926-27: Winter — Death of Prof. Angell ("The Call of Cthulhu")
1927: April 15 — Ward reanimates Curwen (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward)
1927: June — Outbreak of vampiric attacks in Rhode Island (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward)
1927: July — Robert Olmstead escapes Innsmouth ("The Shadow Over Innsmouth")
1927: November — Vermont floods, reports of strange creatures ("The Whisperer in Darkness")
1928: January — attempted theft of Franklin's remains (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward)
1928: February — Federal raids on Innsmouth, Curwen kills and replaces Ward
1928: March — Ward/Curwen in asylum
1928: April — Willett explores catacomb, destroys Curwen (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward)
1928: May — Akeley-Wilmarth correspondence begins ("The Whisperer in Darkness")
1928: August 3 — Wilbur Whateley killed ("The Dunwich Horror")
1928: September 9 — The Dunwich Horror strikes
1928: September 12 — Wilmarth visits Vermont and barely escapes ("The Whisperer in Darkness")
1928: September 15 — Dunwich Horror destroyed
1928: October 7 — Randolph Carter disappears ("The Silver Key")
1928: Autumn — Destruction of two wizards in Prague and Transylvania (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward)
1928: Ethnographer visits Binger, Oklahoma, explores the Mound and recovers the Zamacona scroll ("The Mound")
1929: Edward Derby marries Asenath Waite ("The Thing on the Doorstep")
1930: Randolph Carter in alien body returns to Earth, lives in disguise in Boston as "Swami Chandraputra" ("Through the Gates of the Silver Key")
1930: April 30 — Climax of "The Dreams in the Witch House"
1930: September — Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition departs Boston (At the Mountains of Madness)
1931: February 2 — Miskatonic Expedition departs Antarctica after disaster (At the Mountains of Madness)
1931: Robert Olmstead and his cousin head for Innsmouth ("The Shadow Over Innsmouth")
1932: "Swami Chandraputra" vanishes in New Orleans ("Through the Gates of the Silver Key")
1932: Asenath Derby disappears ("The Thing on the Doorstep")
1932: "Out of the Aeons"
1932: "The Horror in the Museum"
1933: Daniel Upton kills Edward Derby (maybe) ("The Thing on the Doorstep")
1935: March 28 — Team of Miskatonic scholars set out on expedition to Western Australia ("The Shadow out of Time")
1935: July 17-18 — Peaslee discovers lost city in western Australia ("The Shadow Out of Time")
1935: August 8 — "The Haunter of the Dark"
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