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Let's not forget that Mr. Potter is the real criminal of the film. Since the bank examiner is already in town, and they manage to balance the Building and Loan's books, he should be wondering how and why he got a tip that there was missing money. That would mean an insider KNEW money was missing, and the rival bank would be a prime culprit. Thus, the aftermath of the movie is that Potter himself was audited, and couldn't explain the extra money nor the predatory loan practices.

Thus the sequel would have Potter about to die in jail by his own hand when HIS angel appears, and shows him the bright and rosy 1960's future you describe above and winds up back in the cell with the angel kicking the chair.


That's a good point. A lot of people (including members of my family) were a little outraged when they realized that Potter steals $8000 from William Bailey and apparently never suffers any consequences. My wife was especially indignant that his valet and wheelchair-pusher sees the whole thing but never speaks up, not even when George shows up in Potter's office.

Of course, in 2021 we're accustomed to electronic banking and accounting, in which even trivial amounts are precisely tracked and accounted for. The idea that someone could just pick up the equivalent of $100,000 without attracting notice from the IRS is foreign to us. (And, unsurprisingly, nowadays we also have more elaborate techniques for laundering money.) But in 1946 Potter could simply assert it was the proceeds of some private cash transaction and nobody could gainsay him.

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