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Do I have to read Corsair before The Godel Operation? (It sounds like probably not and I'm more excited about the new one...)

James Cambias

No, no. Corsair takes place about eight thousand years before Godel Operation. No relevance. Still a good story, though.


I may return to this Universe again, especially if I want to do another first-contact story. There are some complications about publishing, but nothing insuperable. Possible names for this setting are "the Darklingverse" or "the UNICA/UNIDA universe." At present it includes only the novel and the short story already mentioned.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

I liked "A Darkling Sea", and will definitely buy any sequels.

Gregory Benford

missed "Balancing Accounts" --can send me a digital copy?
Love the Darkling & the 10^9 worlds too...

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