I'm back! Let's talk about moons now.
Most planets have moons, ranging from little chunks of ice or rock to planet-sized bodies like Triton or Titan. Moons can affect their primary planet — and sufficiently large moons of a giant planet in the Goldilocks Zone might be habitable worlds in their own right.
How Big? Studies of the moons of the Solar System suggest that the upper limit for a natural moon's mass might be comparable to that of Mars, or 0.1 Earth — but observations of potential "exomoons" circling planets of other stars (we couldn't write sentences like that back in the 20th Century) suggest that moons could be Earth-sized or even massive "Super-Earth" size. So a "forest moon" like Endor in the Star Wars series is perfectly plausible.
Looking at the moons of the Solar System, it seems as though there's a sharp distinction between the rocky worlds of the inner system and the big gas and ice giants of the outer system. Within the Asteroid Belt, moons are scarce, and only Earth has a really large one. Beyond the asteroids, every planet has at least one big moon, and most have several, accompanied by swarms of tiny moonlets.
(More and more I find it useful to consider the inner Solar System as the Sun's "moons," with the sprawling moon systems of the outer giants as separate entities.)
Anyway, if you want to select randomly, I suggest giving planets in the inner zone just one or two moons each, and those should be small. If you're generating them randomly, roll 1 six-sided die and subtract 3 for the number of moons. For size, roll a 10-sided die: on a 1-6 the moon is a tiny asteroidal moonlet like Phobos or Deimos, with a diameter less than 50 kilometers. On a 7-8 it's a sizeable asteroid with a diameter up to 100 kilometers. On a result of 9 it's a big asteroid, 100 to 200 kilometers across; and on a 10 it's a giant moon. Giant moons have a mass of several percent of the parent planet: roll a 6-sided die and multiply by 1/100 of the planet's mass.
True double planets may exist. So far we haven't really seen any, but there's no reason why they can't happen. Assign a 1 in 100 chance that an inner-system world could be a double planet, in which case just give the planet a companion with a mass equal to a 10-sided die roll times 10 percent of the planet you've already got.
In the Goldilocks zone and beyond, rocky worlds can have more moons. Roll a six-sided die and subtract 2 for the number of moons. Determine size as above.
Ice Giants and Gas Giants all seem to have large families of moons. For either type, roll a 10-sided die for the number of large moons, and a 20-sided die for the number of small ones. If the result is 20, roll two dice and take the sum.
Large moons of giant worlds are basically icy dwarf planets. In the Solar System the outer moons have masses ranging from less than 1/1000 Earths to about 1/50. But it's certainly possible to have much bigger moons.
Determine the mass of a major moon (big enough to treat as a planet for our purposes) using the "exploding die" method employed by some roleplaying games. Most moons have a mass (in Earths) of one 10-sided die times 1/1000 Earth mass; if the die roll is a 10, reroll and multiply by 1/100 Earth mass instead; and if that roll comes up 10, reroll again and multiply by 1/10 Earths. If that roll is also a 10, then roll a six-sided die and divide by 2 to get the mass in Earths.
This is likely to be a long and tedious chore, so only do it if you have a reason to. If you've got a giant planet in the Goldilocks Zone, then obviously it's important to see if any of its moons might be habitable. (And remember: you're creating this star system — you can make them big enough if you want!)
How Far? As to orbital distance around the primary planet, moons can't form at an orbital distance less than about 3 planetary radii from the planet's center. This is due to tidal forces and is called the Roche Limit (https://space.fandom.com/wiki/Roche_limit). Within that limit you don't get a moon, you get a ring system. In the Solar System, most of the big moons huddle fairly close to the primary, typically between about twice the Roche Limit out to a couple of million kilometers away.
Beyond that the giant planets have a mess of small moons the size of asteroids or comets, most of them probably captured bodies. Many have highly tilted orbits, often quite eccentric as well. Jupiter and Saturn each have a family of retrograde moons orbiting clockwise.
If you really want to generate these distances randomly, start at the Roche limit. The first moon will be a six-sided die times the Roche distance. Each additional moon's orbit will be a distance equal to 10 percent times a six-sided die greater than the previous moon.
For a rocky world like Earth, it's simpler to just roll a 100-sided die and multiply by 10,000 kilometers.
Effects: Large moons seem to slow the rotation of the parent planet. For a big world like the giants of the outer Solar System, the effect is negligible. But Earth apparently rotated faster in its early history. If the planet has a big moon, maybe double or triple its day length. And if the moon's mass is bigger than 10 percent of the parent planet's mass, then assume the two worlds are tidally locked, each presenting the same face to each other eternally.
Next time: Weird Worlds.