Albany's long-running science fiction and fantasy convention is back up to full speed this year, with an impressive guest lineup, a full schedule, and a nifty hybrid live-plus-online format. As always, I'll be there — I said I'd be at their disposal for one full day, Saturday the 10th — and they're getting the most out of me before I vanish like fairy gold.
Saturday, 10:30 a.m.: Subterranean Science Fiction — A panel discussion about SF's long-running fascination with underground worlds. They definitely show up in my own work, so I'm looking forward to this.
Saturday, noon: Science Fiction Stories Age Like Wine — I'll be moderating this panel on why some stories remain popular and thought-provoking while others get stale and feel obsolete.
Saturday, 2:30 p.m.: Reading — I'll be reading a selection from my current work-in-progress, The Miranda Conspiracy. This will be the first chance for anyone but myself to get a taste of the next book.
Saturday, 4:30 p.m.: You Are Not The One — Another panel, this time about the sometimes (too often) overused trope of the "Chosen One" who gets to be the protagonist because the author says so. I have opinions about this.
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.: Can Good Stories Be Based on Bad Science? — My final panel of the day, which asks the question in the title. What's the difference between imaginary science, rubber science, and b******t science?
See you all at Albacon!