In two weeks I'll be driving down to Cherry Hill, New Jersey, home of PhilCon 2024, the Philadelphia area's longest-running science fiction convention. This year it runs from November 22 through 24, and I've got events all three days.
Friday, November 22, 8:00 p.m.: Let's Design a New SF Television Show! — A panel of fans and writers brainstorm a TV series which will be good, good science fiction, and (one hopes) popular.
Saturday, November 23, 11:00 a.m.: How Real Does the Science in Science Fiction Have to Be? — Science fiction sometimes leans heavily into "rubber science" but presumably there's a line between science fiction and fantasy. Where do we draw that line? I'll be discussing that with some other creators.
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.: Writing For Aliens: Realistic Yet Relatable Perspectives — Writing alien characters, especially alien viewpoints, has a built-in conflict. We want the characters to be human enough for our (presumably) human readers to identify with, but we want them alien enough to make good science fiction.
Sunday, November 24, 10:00 a.m.: Autographing — I'll be signing any of my works anyone cares to put in front of me. There will be special swag for anyone who comes by!
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.: What's Happened to the Traditional Ghost Story? — The ghost story is one of the oldest forms of fiction, but modern horror fiction has become something very different. Where did the ghosts go? Come hear me discuss that with some other writers working in different genres.
So come see the fun at PhilCon!
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