This coming Friday I'll be at Boskone, the longest-running SF convention in New England, at the dear old Westin Seaport hotel in Boston. If you want to stop in and see me in person, my convention schedule is here:
FRIDAY, February 17
4:00 p.m.: Serving Up a Tasty World — There's more to fictional dining than Stew. I'll be moderating a panel of writers talking about food in fantastic fiction, how to make it appealing, and how to use food as a way to reveal things about settings and characters.
5:30 p.m.: Becoming a Space-Ready Society — I get to be on a panel with a bunch of genuine experts, all discussing what it's going to take to create a permanent and self-sustaining human population off Earth.
SATURDAY, February 18
11:30 a.m.: The Declining Readership Rate Among Children — I pitched this topic so they're making me moderate the panel. We've got several professional educators and experts to talk about the problem of declining readership among young people, how serious it is, what's causing it, and what we can do.
1:00 p.m.: Group Reading — I'll be reading a short selection from The Scarab Mission, if you want to hear what you're missing.
7:00 p.m.: Why Science Fiction Loves Getting Science Wrong — SF loves to break the rules, but what's the difference between speculation and just getting it wrong? This won't be just a litany of goofs, but an exploration of when you have to break from reality, and the role of accuracy in storytelling.
SUNDAY, February 19
11:30 a.m.: Autographing — I'll be signing books, anthologies, magazines, casts, bookplates, and anything you care to bring along.
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