(Yes, the Random Encounters are back! Once again, I'm going to try to put up one table each week.)
The Martians dropped down out of the sky onto southern England in the spring of 1899, and got as far as London before succumbing to Terrestrial germs. They left behind a devastated city, transplanted Martian organisms, alien super-technology — and Victorian society completely shattered. Now survivors are emerging from hiding, and Her Majesty's government is trying to re-establish control over the ruins.
(Roll 1d20 if the characters are moving about the city, 1d10 if they remain in one place.)
- Roll Twice and Combine
- Plot Advancing Encounter: Something relevant to whatever has brought the heroes to London.
- Disguised Detective: London's greatest consulting detective, cleverly disguised (roll again on the table to see who he's impersonating). Roll 1d10 to see who he's searching for. 1-2: German Spies (#4), 3-4: Martian Survivor, 5-6: Player-Characters, 7-8: The Professor (#8), 9-10: The Ripper.
- German Spies: A party of 1d4 technical experts from Friederich Wilhelm University in Berlin, accompanied by twice as many German Army engineer troops. The scientists have Mauser pistols, the soldiers carry rifles. They're officially here to "evaluate the need for assistance" and unofficially to grab any Martian technology they can find.
- Mobile Plant: A Martian species which has proved resistant to Terrestrial pathogens. During the day it spreads its leaves and stays in one place, but at night it moves about looking for living prey. The plant is blind and deaf, hunting only by scent. It has a lethal sting.
- Naval Patrol: The near-annihilation of the British Army and London's police have left keeping order in the hands of Royal Navy shore parties. This is a team of 1d6 sailors armed with rifles, an ensign or petty officer with a pistol, and a medical corpsman. Their main priority is to locate and help survivors. They'll ignore minor looting, but meet violence with summary execution.
- Poisonous Fog: London's infamous "pea soup" fogs have only gotten worse with the smoke of burning buildings, refugee campfires, and the deadly gas weapon of the Martian invaders. The fog covers an area 1d10 times 10 yards across, and anyone caught in it must hold his breath or take poison damage.
- The Professor: One of England's greatest mathematical minds — and one of its most ruthless criminals. The Professor rode out the invasion in his hidden headquarters, and now is taking advantage of the chaos. He's looking for Martian devices to study, looting carefully-selected houses and museums, and assassinating all rival gang bosses as they return to the city. The Professor is accompanied by 1d6 thugs, all heavily armed.
- Thieves: An organized gang of looters, searching for food, liquor, weapons, and valuables. With the death of the Martians they've gotten more ruthless about eliminating witnesses.
- Wandering Lunatic: Unhinged by the horrors of the invasion, this poor individual roams the streets, calling the name of an incinerated loved one. There's a 50 percent chance that the Lunatic will mistake one of the heroes for the object of his or her search, and pursue the party thereafter.
- Checkpoint: A fortified position at a major road intersection, manned by 2d6 Royal Marines commanded by a Naval lieutenant. Their mission is to prevent looters or curiosity-seekers from entering the city, help survivors get food and medical help, and prevent violence.
- Flooded Area: The choking Red Weed and the destruction of drainage and water systems left an area 1d100 yards across flooded. The water's 1d6 feet deep — but there's a 10 percent chance the explorers will stumble into a deeper section by mistake. Obviously any basements, sewers, and Underground Railway sections in this area are completely flooded.
- Gang: A band of survivors don't want you poking around their neighborhood. 2d6 toughs armed with butcher knives and clubs chase the intruders out.
- Martian Lair: One of several outposts the Martians set up during their brief occupation of the city. It contains 1d6 items of Martian Tech (see below), 1d8-3 Mobile Plants (#5), 1d6-4 captive humans, and 2d6-10 Martian survivors (#12).
- Martian Survivor! One of the Martian biology experts, who realized the danger from infection and managed to immunize itself. Now it hides out in the ruins, feeding on unwary refugees and plotting to trade its scientific knowledge for survival.
- Martian Technology: Roll on the Martian Tech table below.
- Pub: The Queen Victoria pub, in a shabby East End square untouched by Martian invasion, is open for business. The beer's overpriced and the place is lit by kerosene lanterns after dark. Customers include Royal Navy sailors, looters, scientists, Germans, and a handful of neighborhood holdouts. For now there's an unofficial truce in the pub, and troublemakers are quickly taken care of. Permanently.
- Ruin: The party stumbles across an iconic London building half-smashed by Martians. There's a 50 percent chance that 1d8 Thieves (#9) are searching the place.
- Trap! During the invasion Army troops and guerrillas planted improvised mines and tripwires to slow the Martian fighting-machines. The booby-trap is a dynamite bomb packed with nails and wire. Roll 1d6 to see how well it's concealed. 1-3: Obvious, 4-5: Average concealment, 6: Fiendishly well-hidden.
- Tracks: Roll again to see what the party finds traces of.
Note that humans may not be aware of what these machines are, or can do, unless they've seen the devices in action. Roll 1d10 to see what the machine is, and then 1d10 for its condition.
- Black Smoke Launcher: A tube holding 1d6 Black Smoke rockets. Each rocket flies straight and level for 1000 yards or until it hits something, leaving a trail of poison gas 20 yards wide.
- Blood Extractor: A system of glass pipettes and flexible tubes capable of draining and storing all the blood in a human body.
- Crystal Egg:A psychic communication device linked with another Egg back on Mars.
- Excavating-Machine:A powerful six-legged machine with big digging scoops.
- Fighting-Machine:A giant war tripod armed with a deadly Heat-Ray and gas projectors. It has metal tentacles capable of snatching up a human from the ground.
- Flying-Machine:A simple airplane with folding wings, capable of holding two Martians or four humans.
- Handling-Machine: A multipurpose work machine with multiple tentacle arms and six stumpy legs. It's unarmed, but its powerful tentacles can demolish most Earthly buildings with ease.
- Heat-Ray: A projector for the devastating Martian heat beam.
- Power Cylinder: A shiny green metal cylinder capable of powering one of the Martian machines or weapons. It can operate without fuel for a decade, but prolonged exposure to it harms a person's health. If broken it contaminates an area 1d100 yards across.
- Smelter:A machine capable of turning ordinary dirt into aluminum. It takes about 10 pounds of dirt to make 1 pound of metal.
(Roll 1d10 to see what shape the device is in.)
1 to 3: Wrecked. Completely smashed and inoperable. There is a 25 percent chance that the machine is leaking toxic substances. It still is instructive to study.
4 to 6: Damaged. The machine is obviously damaged, but one might try to operate it anyway. When operating there is a 10 percent chance of catastrophic malfunction per turn, and a 10 percent chance of leaking toxic material. Useful for study.
7 or 8: Subtly Damaged. It looks intact, but there is hidden damage. As above, there's a 10 percent chance per turn of catastrophic malfunction. Useful for study.
9: Undamaged. It's ready to go! All you need are eight tentacles and a superhuman intellect, and you can use it easily. Invaluable for study.
10: Still Running. Not only is it intact, it's powered up and functioning. The "industrial" devices like Handling-Machines or Smelters will still be executing their last instructions. All you have to do is figure out how to shut it down . . .
For each encounter, roll 1d6 to see what that individual wants.
- A desires B
- A wants to capture B
- A wants B dead
- A wants to go somewhere
- A wants to solve a mystery
- A wants X
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